Catapult turns 25 today!

  • People

It has been one heck of a wonderful rollercoaster, complete with ups, downs, twists and turns. Back on July 2nd 1999, when Catapult opened its doors, I never thought that it would bring us from our first gig in the Mansion House Dublin to creating experiences in cities across the world. NYC, London, Nairobi, Paris, Jakarta, LA, Berlin, Dubai, Prague, Montevideo, Rome, Doha, Las Vegas, Geneva, Kingston, Austin… the list goes on!

The company has evolved, navigating its way through everything from Y2K (remember that!?), Dot Com Bubble Burst, Foot and Mouth disease, the crash of 2008, Ireland’s Banking Crisis and of course COVID. The challenges stimulated us and made us adapt, resulting in so many highlights from hosting World Leaders at UNGA, to staging James Brown in Vicar Street, to launching the FIFA World Cup brand for 2026 in LA, to producing the Business to Arts awards for 23 consecutive years, to working with UNDRR across multiple continents simultaneously… that I could write a book (don’t worry, I won’t!).

We are now a Global Experience Agency, operating from Dublin, New York, LA and London. Having worked across a variety of cultures, causes and commissions, we have earned the trust of world leaders, global brands, and organisations shaping the future.

Yet the mission over the years has remained the same - connecting brands and people through powerful experiences.

It such a privilege to work in a job that I love, with people that I admire, in an industry that is constantly getting more exciting.

Thank you to every colleague, client, supplier, supporter, advisor, friend, partner and family members who have supported us - Catapult is and always has been, the sum of its people

We have commissioned a new showreel to which is just a peek at the incredible journey we've shared with so many - check it out by clicking the "Watch showreel" button at the top right of our website.